How AI Can Revolutionise Your Enterprise: 5 Examples

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Artificial intelligence can be a controversial subject, but it is undeniable that AI’s role in our businesses is increasing. In this article, we’re taking a look at 5 ways artificial intelligence will likely impact the future of your enterprise.

1) Chatbots and Automated Customer Service

While it may take some time for standard customer service chatbots to pass the Turing test, they have nevertheless improved significantly since their creation in 1994. The cost-effective promises of automated assistants mean they will likely run the frontline of the customer service industry. You might think this would frustrate consumers, but chatbots can be extremely effective at managing customer relations, assuming the right support structure is in place.

2) Customer Analysis and Marketing

Chances are that your customers will have encountered AI long before they need to get in touch with customer service. While there may be few computer-based substitutes for creating ad campaigns, AI programmes have proven adept at determining appropriate audience size, location and demographics for marketing different products. You can find a list of popular programmes used to automate outreach to both existing customers and potential new business here.

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3) Streamlined Supply Chain

The supply chain is the area of enterprise most likely to benefit from the promise of AI’s ability to make competent decisions. Stock management, delivery predictions and communicating this information to both employers and consumers is well within the scope of artificial intelligence, as evident in Stephan Romeder’s 2018 article. It’s clear that AI has the potential to not only match but exceed current productivity levels in the field of supply chain management.

4) AI and Staff

Not satisfied with organising your warehouse, AI could also play an active role in the management of new and existing staff. With regards to hiring, AI programmes can already perform a range of tasks from automated candidate sourcing and matching, to the futuristic concept of ‘facial expression analysis’. Once hired, your team could well have their responsibilities allocated through AI, whether that be in an automated programme to manage shifts or assigning tasks based on suitability and schedule.

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5) Business Restructure

While it is clear that AI has the potential to take on several key roles within a business, this does not necessarily mean it will eliminate job opportunities. A 2017 study by Deloitte argued that ‘AI is definitely not eliminating jobs, it is eliminating tasks of jobs, and creating new jobs.’ Complete business restructure will likely be necessary to maintain and manage the introduction of AI programmes. For example, there will be demand for software engineers and computer programmers to repair and maintain AI platforms. This will invariably lead to a complete reorganisation of the traditional enterprise model.

‘AI is definitely not eliminating jobs, it is eliminating tasks of jobs, and creating new jobs.’

Deloitte, 2017

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